Life and exploits

The life and exploits of the venerable elder, confessor and wonderworker Gabriel of Samtavria.

Reverend Confessor Gabriel (Urgebadze) was born on August 26, 1929. His secular name was Goderdzi, but he was usually called Vasiko, in memory of his early deceased father. For a long time, Father Gabriel’s mother was against his desire for monasticism, but at the end of her life she reconciled with his choice, and subsequently she herself took monastic vows. She is also buried in the Samtavro Monastery.

Goderdzi became a believer as a child. One day the neighbors were arguing, and one of them said: “You crucified me like Christ.” The boy became interested in what it means to “crucify” and who Christ is. The adults sent the child to church, where the watchman advised him to read the Gospel. He saved up money, bought the Gospel and after a few years knew the text practically by heart. The desire for monasticism arose in him in his youth. Later, the elder said: “There is no greater heroism than monasticism.” And with his whole life he proved this. He took monastic vows at the age of 26, receiving the name of St. Gabriel the Georgian (Athos) – the elder who walked on the water and brought him to the Athos shore the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God that sailed across the sea. Father Gabriel especially revered the miraculous copy of Iveron, kept in the Samtavro Monastery.

In the courtyard of his house on Tbilisi Tetritskaroy street, Father Gabriel built a multi-domed church. He built it with his own hands and finished it around 1962. Father Gabriel found icons for this church in city dumps, where in those godless years numerous holy objects were taken and thrown away along with the garbage. Sometimes he wandered around the dumps for days on end. He had a small workshop where he cleaned icons and made frames for them from various materials. The walls of his church were completely covered with images. He even framed photographs and images of icons from secular magazines.

The elder prayed for his native country as the Apostle Paul did for the Jewish people. He was seen on his knees asking God: “Accept me as a sacrifice, and save Georgia!” He lived in the atheistic USSR, but it seemed that neither fear nor lies were completely unknown to him. He himself tried to seem like a simple madman, but preached Christ Crucified throughout his life.

In his desire to tell people about Christ, he knew no fear. On May 1, 1965, during a demonstration, Hieromonk Gabriel burned a 12-meter portrait of Lenin, hung on the building of the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR, and began to preach Christ to the gathered people. For this he was severely beaten and put in the Georgian KGB detention center. During the interrogation, Father Gabriel said: he did this because “you cannot idolize a person. There, in place of the portrait of Lenin, the Crucifixion of Christ should hang. Glory is not needed by a person. It is necessary to write: “Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.”

In August 1965, Father Gabriel was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for examination. Here he was declared crazy. The elder was diagnosed: “a psychopathic personality, believes in God and angels.” He was given a “white ticket.” But then even more terrible things happened to him. Church hierarchs, to please the authorities, did not allow him to enter the church and did not allow him to attend services , they drove away. The priest did not have the opportunity to receive communion, and he wanted this with all his soul. He could go without food for several days, not sleep for a long time, but he could not live without church, and the elder often cried from powerlessness, opening his soul to his sisters.

Father Gabriel settled in Samtavro in the 1980s; most recently he lived in the round tower of the Apostolic King Mirian (IV century). The nuns were surprised at the priest’s oddities for some time, until they saw a special feat in them. At first it seemed strange to them that for some time he lived in a chicken coop, where there were large cracks, and walked barefoot in winter… The old man’s behavior did not fit into any framework, did not correlate with any human concept. But then they began to feel that extraordinary love was coming from him: he loved everyone. Often the elder shouted at the sisters, demanded obedience from them, forced them to do something, or could force them to eat from dirty dishes. But it was impossible to be offended by him – tender love shone in his eyes.
He took Abbess Theodora with him to Tbilisi when she was still a nun and forced her to beg. The two of them begged for alms, and then the elder gave everything to the poor. If they returned by taxi, he could yell at the taxi driver and not give any money at all, or he could pay many times more. During Holy Week, constant crying was heard from his cell. Some saw how during prayer he rose 40-50 centimeters above the ground and light emanated from him. Believers revered Father Gabriel as a great ascetic; they came to him as to a living saint. When the elder received numerous guests, he always made sure that there was “professor” on the table – that’s what he called red wine. While generously treating people, he himself ate almost nothing. Father said that one must eat Divine love, and not just food. According to the elder’s will, his body was wrapped in a mat and buried in the place where Saint Nina labored. Father Gabriel died on November 2, 1995, from dropsy. He suffered greatly from pain, but did not show it.

After his death, an innumerable number of healings began to occur at the grave. For Georgia, Elder Gabriel is like Elder Paisius of the Svyatogorets for Greece. He is also revered, many remember coming to him for advice and consolation, there are always people at his grave who came for healing, there are many vivid vivid stories about him. Even during his lifetime he had the reputation of an old man, enjoyed popular veneration, and acquired the gifts of clairvoyance and miracles.

On December 24, 2012, by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church, Elder Gabriel was canonized as a venerable confessor and holy fool. This happened in an incredibly short time after his death – 17 years later, many of his photographs, icons and the land of St. Gabriel became myrrh! After anointing with myrrh, miraculous healings began to occur.

On February 22, 2014, the incorruptible relics of the saint were found. On December 25, 2014, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church decided to “include in the month book of the Russian Orthodox Church the name of St. Gabriel of Samtavria with the establishment of the celebration of his memory on November 2, as established in the Georgian Orthodox Church.” One of the main streets of Tbilisi was renamed in honor of St. Gabriel With the blessing Patriarch Elijah II will have a temple built next to the house where he lived… The doctrine of the Last Days (Apocalypse) occupied a special place in the elder’s sermons.

Rev. Fr. Gabriel said: “The struggle of the holy prophets Enoch and Elijah with the Antichrist will be broadcast on television; When the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is about to leave Athos, the bells will begin to ring, and the churches will visibly bow down to see Her off. All this will be on TV. This is the mercy of God, so that the whole world will see this and the souls that need to be saved will come here to Georgia,” said the elder. “The time will come, people will leave for the mountains. But don’t go alone… Go into the forests and mountains as small children.” groups. For Christians, the greatest torment will be that they themselves will go into the forests, and their loved ones will accept the mark of the Antichrist. Products on which the mark of the Antichrist is placed cannot harm you. This is not a seal. You must say the prayer “Our Father.” cross, sprinkle with holy water – and thus all food will be sanctified.” The elder said that his cross was all of Georgia and half of Russia.

Testament of Archimandrite Gabriel

Glory to Christ God! God is Love, but although I tried a lot, I could not achieve love for God and neighbor, according to the commandment of the Lord. In love lies the entire acquisition by man of the Kingdom of Heaven in this visible world and the inheritance of Eternity (Eternal Life). Bury me without a coffin, in a robe. Be kind and humble; in our humility the Lord remembered us, for He gives grace to the humble. Before every God-born person, be with humility, kindness and love. I carry love for everyone with me – both for the Orthodox people and for every person born of God. The purpose of life and this entire visible world is to gain the Kingdom of God, to draw closer to God and to inherit Eternal Life. This is what I wish for all of you. I leave you with my blessing, so that no one will lose the great mercy of God and may everyone be rewarded with the acquisition of the Kingdom. There is no man who will live and not sin. I alone am a great sinner, unworthy in every way, extremely weak. With all my love, I pray to you all: when passing by my grave, ask for forgiveness for me, a sinner. I was dust, and to dust I have returned.

Archimandrite Gabriel mainly preached love: “Above all canons and statutes is love. If you hate even one person, you are disgusting before God. We must love everyone. But if you can’t, at least wish everyone well. In the last times, people will be saved by love, humility and kindness. Kindness will open the gates of Paradise, humility will lead you there, and love will show God.”
The seas will dry up, the mountains will be destroyed, but the glory of Christ will not be exhausted. Death is a transformation. Don’t be afraid of death – fear God’s Judgment. Imagine how your heart beats when you stand in front of a professor during an exam.

How much more terrifying it is to stand before God at Judgment! The greatness of God is incomparable to anything.
Whoever gave you your soul belongs to Him. Strive tirelessly for God. Seeing your desire, God will give you everything you need. It is not the Lord who leaves man, but man who leaves God. Hell is separation from the Lord.

The righteous does not fear God. God is endless love. He who loves kindness and justice loves God, and God will love him as his own son.
Only with a heart full of love can you expose the sins of another person. Whoever learns to love will be happy. Just don’t think that love is an innate talent. Love can be learned, and we must do it. Without sacrifice for the sake of the Lord and neighbor, nothing will work out in spiritual life. Without sacrifice you cannot learn to love. God does not accept empty words. God loves business. Good deeds are love. Live in such a way that not only God loves you, but also people – there is nothing more than that.

Elder Gabriel: the heart that contained Christ.

On January 15, 2020, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Ilia II, the incorruptible heart of Father Gabriel was placed in a silver ark and placed in a shrine with his holy relics. Until now it was kept separately from his relics. Why did this happen?

February 22, 2014 is the day of the discovery of the relics of St. Gabriel in the Samtavro Monastery. During the cleansing of the holy relics of Elder Gabriel from the ground, as it should be, his T-shirt was placed separately. And when Father Kirion gave it to Mother to put in the tower in the cell of St. Gabriel, then Mother saw that there was something stuck to the T-shirt. And when Dr. Zviad Bakhutashvili looked, he said that this is a heart, this is the heart of St. Gabriel. This moment reminds you and me that when Elder Gabriel was still alive, he told the mothers: “I will leave, but my heart will remain with you.” How great was Saint Gabriel’s love for his neighbor, even for the most fallen and sinful, and there is a place for each of us in the hearts of Father Gabriel. His heart is full of love for everyone who turns to him with faith in prayer.

Akathist to the venerable confessor, for Christ’s sake, the holy fool Gabriel of Samtavria.

Through the prayers of the saints, our father, Lord Jesus Christ, our God. have mercy on us.
O Thy Most Pure Mother, our venerable and God-bearing fathers and all saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name’s sake.
Lord have mercy. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Come, let us worship our King God.
Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God.
Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God.

Kontakion 1

We praise You, our heavenly champion and our ever-present helper, for the Lord has established you in these days, as a city established, as an indestructible rod, and as a strong copper wall on the land of your beloved Iberia. As you have shown boldness before God, tear our sackcloth to pieces and gird us with joy, in order to constantly glorify you: Rejoice, reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious wonderworker!

Ikos 1

You cried out like this: “Test me, Lord, try me, kindle my womb and my heart, as I said, for my soul has cried out: I will seek the Lord.” We are enlightened by your intercession, falling to the Lord, we sing to you: Rejoice, sanctified from the womb; Rejoice, poor in spirit, for there is a dance
The Kingdom of heaven;
Rejoice, you who weep in your heart, for you have been comforted;
Rejoice, my dear, for you have inherited the land; Rejoice, you who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for you have been filled;
Rejoice, merciful one, for the Lord has had mercy on you;
Rejoice, pure in heart, for you have seen God;
Rejoice, peacemaker, for you have been called the son of God;
Rejoice, you who were exiled for the sake of righteousness, for for these is the Kingdom of Heaven;
Rejoice, for they reviled and persecuted you and unjustly slandered you for Christ’s sake;
Rejoice, salting of the earth;

Rejoice, Reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious miracle worker!

Kontakion 2

You have endured many annoyances and sorrows, Reverend Father Gabriel, from your youth you have wet your bed with streams of tears. When the Lord raised you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, you were clothed with Divine power, for this reason we cry out to God: Hallelujah!

Ikos 2

Blessed is the Lord God, teach your hands to fight, your fingers to fight, blessed Gabriel! When we sinned before the Lord and did not heed His voice, like our fathers, and were asleep in shame, you preached as you went: “To the earth, to the earth, to the earth, hear the Word of the Lord!” And then you were reproached for the Word of God and ridiculed by the infidels. , we glorify you:
Rejoice, for the broadcast of your words exudes a fragrance;
Rejoice, satiated with bitterness and filled with sorrow;
Rejoice, you who fed on ashes and dissolved your drink with tears;
Rejoice, thou who castest the image of the godless leader into fire;
Rejoice, for the atheists want to snatch your soul;
Rejoice, conquering enemies through the truth of God;
Rejoice, you who cover your soul with fasting during times of adversity;
Rejoice, you who glorify the greatness of the Lord during times of oppression;
Rejoice, thou illuminated by the Lord in the darkness of prison;
Rejoice, you who endured insults for your love for the Savior;
Rejoice, you who have revealed holy and godly deeds to the world;
Rejoice, thou who crushest sinners and lifteth up the horn of the righteous;
Rejoice, Reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious miracle worker!

Kontakion 3

In the host of saints, who have shone with true and divine grace, in the monastery of the living you are laid to rest, holy of God, and now everyone confesses your holiness, Reverend Gabriel, and sings loudly to God: Hallelujah!

Ikos 3

They became fat and stout, departed from the words and destinies of God, and everything became corrupted. The Lord said: “I will not despise this, and will I not take revenge on such a people?” And you, Reverend Gabriel, like the new Moses, stood between God and the Iberian race and calmed the wrath of God, for this reason we cry out to you:
Rejoice, for the Word of God is near in your heart and lips, and thus the Word of God is fulfilled;
Rejoice, unfeigned person to all;
Rejoice, for through you come punishment and truth, like the waves of a river;
Rejoice, for the Lord looked upon your humility and delivered your soul from sorrow;
Rejoice, saying to the Providence of God: if the Lord wills, let me not tremble from my enemies until I depart from this world;
Rejoice, guided on your path by the Lord and established on the rock of faith; Rejoice, ever pardoned by the mercy of Truth;

Rejoice, whose tongue, like David’s lyre turned to God, did not cease to sing the Heavenly Truth;
Rejoice, for His word is like a light in the darkness for us;
Rejoice, for the holiness of the Lord has risen over you from the Iberian race;
Rejoice, thou who loved the commandments of God more than gold and topaz;
Rejoice, ever beloved by the eternal love of Christ;
Rejoice, Reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious miracle worker!

Kontakion 4

Blessed is the Lord forever, for before the sun there abides His Name and before the moon His Throne, who gave you the gifts of His Spirit – healing, help and insight, and through them, being healed of our infirmities, we sing to God: Hallelujah!

Ikos 4

Your thoughts, O Lord, have deepened greatly; a fool will not know them, and a fool will not understand them. You are the only one who sees the heart of man, choosing a man after Your heart – our blessed father Gabriel and girdling him with the power of Your Spirit, judgment and strength, so that the people of Iberia may tell their sins and wickedness, for this we persecute you many times, but we cry out to him:
Rejoice, priest of the Almighty, for you have preserved the knowledge and law of God on your lips;
Rejoice, for the Apostle Paul excelled in all virtues;
Rejoice, for the gates and treasuries of heaven have been opened to you;
Rejoice, abiding in God’s Truth through virtues;
Rejoice, for the Lord looks upon you and knows your heart;
Rejoice, thou who hast sought the Lord in thy heart;
Rejoice, for you have chosen a good part with God forever;
Rejoice, you who think about heavenly things and not about earthly things;
Rejoice, you who lit a candle for the people of Iveron, enlightening the darkness;
Rejoice, raised by the Lord on the water of peace;
Rejoice, for God has given the dove wings, flight, and rest in the desert;
Rejoice, denunciation of the scribes, Sadducees and Pharisees of this age;
Rejoice, Reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious miracle worker!

Kontakion 5

Stasha, like uncleanness, we are all, and like sackcloth, the desecration of all our righteousness, and we have fallen like leaves for our iniquities. For this reason, the winds are torn apart, if the blessed Father Gabriel had not been sent to us to reprove and admonish us, for this reason we sing to God: Hallelujah!

Ikos 5

During this time, it rebelled against godlessness with wickedness and its flattery. Having set their mouth in heaven, and their tongue passed over the earth, their words are weapons and arrows, and their tongues are like a sharp sword. You destroyed churches and desecrated holy icons, persecuting the Orthodox and killing them. During this sacrilege, God raised up the chosen one from the people of Iveron, hiding the gifts of the Lord in himself through foolishness, but we sing to him:
Rejoice, thou who hast shamed the deaf asps with rage;
Rejoice, sweetest teacher of the Orthodox;
Rejoice, blind men who have eyes, and deaf men who have ears for reproof;
Rejoice, gifted by God, a good teacher;
Rejoice, thou who teachest walk the royal path;
Rejoice, you who cover the infirmities of your neighbor with your generosity;
Rejoice, co-crucified with the Savior;
Rejoice, for you have become wonderfully wondrous and incomprehensible to your mind;
Rejoice, thou exalted to heavenly revelations;
Rejoice, you who teach us through the power of the gift of insight into the hidden;
Rejoice, who comforts us with healings;
Rejoice, thou who delightest the souls of men with the preaching of the Word of God;
Rejoice, Reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious miracle worker!

Kontakion 6

After many sorrows and sufferings, You, O Lord, sent down Your Truth and Your Light to Your beloved servant Gabriel, in the image of guiding him to Your holy mountain and the Heavenly abode, so that we too would please those who are unworthy and sing to Him: Hallelujah!

Ikos 6

This earthly life is full of care, fickle and transitory, and our days, like a shadow, will disappear. The exodus from this world is unexpected and fleeting, let it show us the inherited sorrow of labor and the deadly brevity of this world, and, having realized this, let us avoid this and become imitators of our blessed father Gabriel, and let us sing to him like this:
Rejoice, preacher of repentance;
Rejoice, warner of adulterers;
Rejoice, victor of the destroyers of our country;
Rejoice, you who humble the mighty of this age;
Rejoice, consolation to the desperate;
Rejoice, you who weep with those who weep and who rejoice with those who rejoice;
Rejoice, friend of sinners and teacher of them on the path of truth;
Rejoice, you who reveal the truth;
Rejoice, thou who drawest the sins of men from the abyss;
Rejoice, teacher of virtue;
Rejoice, thou who makest the foolish wise;
Rejoice, preacher of the right faith;
Rejoice, Reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious miracle worker!

Kontakion 7

We are overcome by mortal diseases, and the floods of iniquity are crushed, always rising against our atheism; The diseases of hell are common and are preceded by the snares of death. We were close to destruction, even if the Lord had not sent us the blessed Father Gabriel, Christ for the sake of the fool, who lit the lamp of Truth, together with other fathers, with them we sing to God: Hallelujah!

Ikos 7

Lord, high is Thy Right Hand, and without knowing It, for envy has consumed the ignorant people, but now fire has consumed those who resist. We, grateful for the father You have given us, boldly cry out to him:
Rejoice, tireless worker of God;
Rejoice, undaunted defender of the fatherly faith and the country of Iveron;
Rejoice, good tunic of the Lord;
Rejoice, our enlightener, Virgin Nina, faithful servant;
Radu Yes, the sermons of the holy Apostle Andrew to the imitator;
Rejoice, having received grace from Heaven through fasting, vigil and prayer;
Rejoice, healer of the weak;
Rejoice, enriched with the gift of insight;
Rejoice, you who hid the grace that rests in you under the guise of foolishness;
Rejoice, confessor of the faith of Christ;
Rejoice, thou who loved God and thy neighbor;
Rejoice, you who have forgiven those who offend you;
Rejoice, Reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious miracle worker!

Kontakion 8

When our Savior desired that you should enrich His flock with you, Reverend Father, after your long-suffering pilgrimage, you settled in the ancient monastery of Samtavro, where the stupa of our mother Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina stood before her and where she preached the Word of God. There you too, father, remained for a time in silence and struggle against the thoughts, kindled arrows of the evil one, chanting to God: Hallelujah!

Ikos 8

You found yourself in a cramped cage, you endured the filth and great heat, oppression and reproach from near and far for the righteous word, in your thoughts you said: “Oh, woe is me, my mother!” For forever was I born? My husband is punished and condemned…my strength has failed because of those who curse me.” Blessing and praying, according to the commandment of the Lord, for those who hate and offend you and those who are at enmity, for this reason we sing to you like this:
Rejoice, Father, who has attained perfection to the measure of a man;
Rejoice, you who loved those who hated you;
Rejoice, you who humbled yourself for the sake of your neighbor;
Rejoice, you who have gained height through humility;
Rejoice, city of holy Mtskheta – another shining adamante Jerusalem;
Rejoice, gracious heir of our God-bearing fathers;
Rejoice, chosen one serving the Most Holy Theotokos;
Rejoice, faithful gardener of the inheritance of the Ever-Virgin Mary;
Rejoice, for us, Orthodox Christians, bold prayer book;
Rejoice, faithful companion to the prosperity of Iberia;
Rejoice, thou who has acquired the Heavenly Fatherland;
Rejoice, resident of holy Jerusalem;
Rejoice, Reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious miracle worker!

Kontakion 9

Defender of truth, teacher of righteousness and guardian of peace, blessed Gabriel, said to the sons of your fatherland: “Go, people, enter your treasury and close the gates!”
Let the mourning rest in the evening, and joy come with the dawn, and together sing to our Heavenly Father: Hallelujah!

Ikos 9

Before departing from your body and from this world, by the command of God, you settled in the tower of King Mirian, where you healed many from mental and physical ailments, convicted others with the gift of insight, and instructed everyone with the word of God: We drank Angels with bread and gave them living water to drink, so that you would no longer thirst , as once the Samaritan woman, therefore we sing to you, Our Father Gabriel:
Rejoice, you who preached the Word of God in full,
Rejoice, you who drive out unclean spirits;
Rejoice, imitator of silverless healers;
Rejoice, wonderworker of the new century;
Rejoice, image of monastic non-covetousness;
Rejoice, helper in times of adversity;
Rejoice, master of heavenly mysteries;
Rejoice, slandered through drunkenness;
Rejoice, thou who in fasting became like the forefathers;
Rejoice, you who imitated the Angel in the vigil;
Rejoice, you who hated the vanity of the world and were crucified for it;
Rejoice, servant of God;
Rejoice, Reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious miracle worker!

Kontakion 10

You put the godless iconoclast to shame, O most wonderful Father Gabriel, when you many times took holy icons from the dust and dressed them with love, preaching without fear, like St. Basil the Great: the veneration of holy icons is not the veneration of the deck and the vaults, but of the Lord Himself and His saints, Let us sing with our fathers to God: Hallelujah

Ikos 10

When the time of your departure was revealed from above, holy, the time of your departure was marvelously brief: “After my repose, you will bury me in the place where the monastery pit contains my ashes.” We read these words as the word of humility of the holy fool. After your dormition, holy father, this place, anticipated by you, is holy to all of us, for this reason we praise you:
Rejoice, thou who has been called a new prophet;
Rejoice, humble yourself before God and people;
Rejoice, you who reprove pride with your humility;
Rejoice, for the fear of the Lord has pierced your flesh;
Rejoice, you who weep for the lost sheep;
Rejoice, thou who instruct us through thy repose;
Rejoice, for your holiness has risen into this world;
Rejoice, persecuted for the sake of the Word of God;
Rejoice, for your thoughts are deep and bottomless; people do not understand madness;
Rejoice, abyss of patience;
Rejoice, for even now your mouth has not ceased to preach the Word of God;
Rejoice, for you have known God and preached His name among those near and far;
Rejoice, Reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious miracle worker!

Kontakion 11

We worship the saint of God, the imitator of angels, together with the host of saints and sing praises, celebrating his memory, and we magnify the Lord: Hallelujah!

Ikos 11

Thou hast proclaimed wisdom before all, O wonderful Father, not the wisdom of the vain world, but of God, the hidden wisdom, which the Lord revealed before all ages for our salvation, as it was written: “For eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and in the heart of man not the sigh that God has prepared for those who love Him.” And we, enlightened by you, sing to you:
Rejoice, for God has given you hidden wisdom;
Rejoice, for the Lord has filled you with spirit

Saints and Wisdom;
Rejoice, thou who has gained an understanding heart;
Rejoice, thou not known by this world in thy wisdom;
Rejoice, having gained wisdom through meekness and poverty;
Rejoice, O righteous one, for your lips flow wisdom sweeter than honey;
Rejoice, thou who putth to shame the wisdom of God by the wisdom of this world;
Rejoice, for for Christ’s sake you have made us wise;
Rejoice, for you have gained wisdom for the serpent and meekness for the dove;
Rejoice, for you are wise in good and blameless in evil;
Rejoice, child at heart, to whom God has revealed His will, hidden from the wise and great of this world;
Rejoice, thou who callest heavenly joy through God’s wisdom;
Rejoice, Reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious miracle worker!

Kontakion 12

Blessed Gabriel, you fell into many different temptations, and patience was the test of your faith, and you had perfect patience, and through it you became perfect and did not care about anything, having been enriched by the grace of God, with you we will sing to the Lord: Hallelujah!

Ikos 12

My beloved brethren, has not the Lord chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, to be inhabitants of the Kingdom of Heaven, as He promised to those who love Him? And God has given us the gift of the God-bearing father Gabriel, the holy fool and confessor, meek in heart and perfect in deed, who served us the weak, but for the sake of such grace we cry out to him:
Rejoice, thou chosen by God under his image in this world to confound the wise;
Rejoice, you who are weak for the sake of Christ, who were presented by the Lord to the shame of the mighty;
Rejoice, chosen one of Christ, gifted from God with the gift of consolation, mercy, humility and peace;
Rejoice, thou who in the desert acquired the gift of dispassion;
Rejoice, for your lips are filled with the flame of wisdom;
Rejoice, for your tongue has spoken judgment;
Rejoice, for the Law of God was in your heart;
Rejoice, for the peace of God is established in your heart;
Rejoice, having been taught love by God;
Rejoice, for from the Holy Spirit the word of wisdom and knowledge was given quickly;
Rejoice, for the grace of healing and the gift of insight were quickly sent down to you from the Holy Spirit;
Rejoice, chosen vessel of three virtues – faith, hope and love of God;
Rejoice, Reverend Father Gabriel, confessor and holy fool, all-glorious miracle worker!

Kontakion 13

Oh, most blessed Father Gabriel, accept this word of praise from your unworthy children and pray for us before the Throne of the Holy Trinity, which you preached, so that with you we will sing to God: Hallelujah!
(This kontakion is read three times, and again it is read – ikos 1 and kontakion 1).


Oh, miracle worker Father Gabriel, we are your lambs and the sheep of your pasture! God bless us according to the commandments of Christ the Living God, inscribed not on stone tablets, but by the Spirit of the Living God on the flesh tablets of an immaculate heart. And now all of us, your children by grace, remember your meekness for Christ’s sake: you were often oppressed and persecuted, you were in weakness, but not in destruction, always bearing the death of the Lord Jesus Christ in your body, so that the life of Jesus would be revealed in you.

For this sake, we pray to you, God-bearing Father Gabriel, remember all of us who hope in you, at the Throne of the Holy Trinity, with your whole life confessed, that the Lord may grant us to know His Holy will, that we may be worthy and find peace in our souls and bodies, and that we humbly offer praise His goodness endures forever. Amen.

Second prayer – before the icon of St. Gabriel of Samtavria

Shining with an essential light, our Father, the all-blessed wonderworker Gabriel, filled with God’s power, fulfilled our petitions and granted peace with faith to those who flow to your holy image and bow before it with tenderness, and give a fervent prayer to you: do not reject us, being ashamed of our iniquities, both have mercy and strengthen, beg the Lord, so that we may resist and defeat the demonic regiments, flattery and atrocities of this world, and grant our people strength in overcoming insidious enemies and preserve our Holy Orthodox Church in peace.

Your holy and honest image, Our Father Gabriel, is revealed to us for our salvation, for the sake of perseverance in faith and service to God in anticipation of His mercy; You, faithful servant of Christ, all-validated Father Gabriel, now protect your flock from all sorts of misfortunes and troubles, so that through your prayers we will immaculately walk the path of our life and find the Heavenly Fatherland.
It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and the Mother of our God. The most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison the Seraphim, without the corruption of God

We magnify the words of the present Mother of God, You.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.
Lord have mercy (3 times)

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God; Through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother, the holy, glorious and all-praised Wonderworker and our father Gabriel, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen!

Troparion, tone 8:

Divine thunder, spiritual miracle and loud preaching of love, / imitator of martyrs and quick helper in adversity, / praise of the Georgian race, Reverend Father Gabriel, // confessor and holy fool, pray to Christ God to have mercy on our souls.
* 2 Corinthians 4:10

Kontakion, tone 4

For God’s virtue and faith, / having chosen the cruel monastic life rather than the sweets of the world, / and accomplished the heights

I have elevated you to greatness, / you have hidden your wisdom with foolishness / and, like a confessor, I have strove day and night to glorify the Lord, / now pray to Him unceasingly to deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes, / that we may glorify you, Reverend Gabriel: / Rejoice, protection / / hoping for you!


We bless you, / Reverend Father Gabriel, / and honor your holy memory, / mentor of monks // and interlocutor of Angels.


Troparion, tone 2

Receptacle of God’s grace, confessor of the faith of Christ, shining forth in Iberia, Reverend Father Gabriel! Rejected by the world, glorified in foolishness, ardent with the love of Christ, hear us, your neighbors, may the Lord forgive us our sins.

Voice 6

Song 1
Irmos: As on dry ground, Israel having walked through the abyss in her feet, seeing the persecutor Pharaoh being drowned, we sing a victorious song to God, crying out.
Chorus: Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us. Having loved Christ from his youth, having desired to follow His footsteps, you have most miraculously achieved the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now glorify the Lord with the saints. Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Bound by the chains of foolishness of the devil, amazed by the purity of life of the Angels, most blessed, pray to Christ God to grant us remission of sins and great mercy.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
You have been honored with great love for the Lord and your neighbors, compassionate towards sinners, wise of God, accept our prayers and do not reject your gracious help.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen
Theotokos: I offer a slavish prayer to You, foolish one, and I resort to Your gracious mercy: do not reject me, Most Pure One.

Song 3
Irmos: There is nothing holy like You, O Lord, my God, who has lifted up the horn of Your faithful, O Good One, and established us on the rock of Your confession.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Honored with the Sign of the Cross in heaven, the most praised, your labor on the cross was foreshadowed. And now teach us to follow Christ and surrender to His holy will.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Having listened to the voice of the Lord from youth, having been taught by His Divine words, you have loved the good yoke of Christ, O Father, worthy of praise.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
O chosen servant of the Queen of Heaven, whose inheritance is the wonderful color, with your warm intercession implore Her mercy towards us, sinners and weaklings.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen
Theotokos: You have given us mercy, O Mother of God, for the King and Lord of the world was incarnated from You, you endured passions for our sake and salvation was free.

Sedalen, voice 4
Now see the unfading light, most wonderful Father, a wonderful participant in the glory of God. Having conquered the demonic regiments in the name of Christ, you have placed all your trust in the Lord. With your prayers, Reverend, save you from the temptations and snares of the enemy who sing.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen
Theotokos: O All-Sung Lady of the Theotokos, praise to the saints, crowned confessors, glorified by angels and glorified by men, and wondrous by the whole world
Helper, deliver us from every situation, O Blessed One.

Canto 4
Irmos: Christ is my strength, God and Lord, the honest Church sings divinely, crying out from a pure meaning, celebrating in the Lord.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Chosen a good destiny from youth, glory to fasters, praise to monasticism, God-wise Father Gabriel, through your intercession strengthen the weak in faith and guide them on the path of salvation.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
You shone forth with a wondrous feat and purity of life, you loudly confessed the Orthodox faith, praise and affirmation to the Church of Christ.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Comforted by the Mother of God, brought out of prison by Her, do not forsake us with your help, O all-validated one, beg the Queen
Heavenly, may we get rid of the snares of sin and the captivity of soul-destructive passions.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen
Theotokos: The Tree of Eating the Dead made me, but the Tree of Life that appeared from You, Most Pure One, resurrect me and create an heir to the heavenly sweets.

Canto 5
Irmos: By Thy GOD’s light, O Blessed One, illumine the souls of Thy morning with love, I pray, Lead Thee, the Word of God, the true God, from the darkness of sin, crying out.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Instructed by the spirit-bearing Bethany fathers, you fought a good fight, O all-valid one, conquering mental adversaries in the name of Jesus.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
In the days of severe persecution, you appeared as a divine confessor, O blessed Iberia, O blessed One, illuminating the darkness of godlessness.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Glory to the inheritance of the Mother of God, pray to the Good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful, so that we too may be worthy to enter into them.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen
Theotokos: Truth and Deliverance, having given birth to Christ for us, the Most Pure Virgin, you freed the nature of the forefather from the oath.

Canto 6
Irmos: The sea of life, raised in vain by misfortunes and storms, flowed to Your quiet refuge, crying out to You: lift up my belly from aphids, O Omni-merciful One.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Diligent builder of the Temple of God, wonderful zealot of piety, saving desecrated shrines from desecration, beg the Sun of Truth to save our souls.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
You felt the tears of the Lord on the cross, you were honored by His quiet voice, you received great consolation, most wonderful. Bring the repentance of your neighbors to the Throne of the Most High, our warm and zealous prayer book.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The angels rejoice at your feat, O most praiseworthy Gabriel. You accepted the sufferings and ulcers for Christ with gratitude, O blessed one, in His abodes you now rejoice and behold the glory of the splendor of His Kingdom.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Theotokos: Thou didst give birth, O Most Pure Virgin, for the goodness of the One who united with man; they do not dare to look upon the Worthiness of the angels. Pray him diligently to save Thy servants.

Kontakion, tone 5
Prolific vine of the planting of paradise, valiant warrior of Christ, reverend Father Gabriel, wonderworker of Samtavria! Having reached the heights of virtues, surpassing the wise in mind, wonderful holy fool, beg the Lord Almighty to deliver us from sinful captivity, the violence of the enemy and difficult circumstances.
All filled with Divine grace, strengthened by the Lord in difficult labor, he cried out to Him: “My intercessor and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him!” And teach us all to abide with Christ, calling to you, holy father: Rejoice, leader of those who seek salvation, Rejoice, land of Iveron, heavenly planting.

Canto 7
Irmos: The angel made a dew-bearing cave for the venerable youth, and the Chaldeans were scorched by the command of God, admonishing the tormentor to cry out: Blessed are you, O God of our fathers.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Having desired to suffer for the Lord, he was not afraid of fierce torment, most miraculously, loudly proclaiming the glory of Christ the Savior: “Blessed be the name of the Lord from now on and forever!”
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Strengthened by the chosen Voivode, you put the demons to flight, most glorious Father Gabriel. And now in the triumphant Church sing a victorious song, glorifying the King of those who reign.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Do not reject our prayers, most wonderful Father, offered up before your image, so that through your intercession we may be delivered from every temptation and need.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen
Theotokos: You gave birth to God in the flesh, the All-Immaculate One, the One of the Trinity, to whom we all sing: God, blessed are you.
Canto 8
Irmos: From the flames of the saints you poured dew, and you burned the righteous sacrifice with water: do everything, O Christ, only as you will. We extol You forever.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
We illuminate with the Divine Light, you have put to shame the godless leader, O all-validated Father, not afraid of the rage of the authorities.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
In chains you glorified the name of God, in the house of sorrow you proclaimed Christ, O most praiseworthy Father, like a harmonious cymbal, filled with grace.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Enduring slander and persecution, considered among the foolish, a wonderful holy fool, you adorned your mind with divine humility, as if you were meek and merciful.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen
Theotokos: When You come in glory to judge all things, count me among the sheep on your right hand, O Lord, a sinner, to Your Mother with prayers, that I may glorify You forever.

Canto 9
Irmos: It is impossible for a man to see God, the angels do not dare to look at the Worthiness: By You, All-Pure One, having appeared as a man, the Word incarnate, Who is magnified, with the Heavenly howls we please You.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
As we now celebrate your radiant celebration, we glorify the Lord who glorified you, whom you served with love, most wonderfully. Do not reject us from your intercession, beg the Sweetest Jesus to forgive our sins.
Reverend Father Confessor Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Having chosen grave slabs as a bed, humbly enduring no misfortune, now abide with Christ, His wondrous servant, holy heir of Paradise.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Your relics are like a gracious source of healing, pouring out streams of God’s mercy on the afflicted. Pray to Christ God, our warm representative, to have mercy on us according to His great and ineffable mercy.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen
Theotokos: In truth, Thou art above all creation, O Lady, for God, the Creator of all, Thou didst give birth to flesh. Moreover, the Imams, the Representative, and through You we hope to achieve salvation.


O Reverend Father Gabriel, wonderworker of Samtavria, who shone forth through the feat of foolishness for Christ’s sake! Offer up your prayers for us to the Lord, like fragrant incense, deliver us, most wonderful Father, through your intercession from all troubles and misfortunes, destroy the networks of demons, quench enmity, heal the sick.

The river of God’s miracles does not become scarce from your holy shrine, reverence, the flow of His mercy to us sinners who pray to you does not dry out. Honored with the gift of great love from the Lord, bearing the burdens of others, shedding tears for sinners and those who suffer, bring our prayers and repentant lament to the Throne of God. May we be honored with your help, most praiseworthy father, to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling and reach the Heavenly Fatherland, where the unceasing voice of those celebrating glorifies the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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